Our Impact

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Nearly one hundred times a day, a child in California is placed in foster care because of severe abuse or neglect.

Despite outdoor opportunities being at the doorstep of thousands of children in foster care, it is too often out of reach. Happy Trails for Kids engages youth with unique learning and extracurricular opportunities, while simultaneously reinforcing the benefits of nature and outdoor experiences.

By emphasizing retention of the same youth and staff, and by offering year-round programming, Happy Trails imparts meaningful stability, self-esteem and a sense of community that brings normalcy into the lives of children and teens.The majority of our staff members have successfully emerged from the foster care system, serving as outstanding role models and lifelong mentors for the youth served in our program.

Closing the Extracurriculars Gap: Prioritizing Extracurricular Activities as a Key Intervention for Children and Youth in Foster Care and Juvenile Justice by the Youth Law Center

Impact Reports


Nearly 70% of our counselors are former foster youth


We sent 401 children to experience the wonders of overnight camp in 2019


100% of the Junior Counselors stated that Happy Trails for Kids has had a positive impact on their lives


83% of Junior Counselors identified connections as the most valued aspect of the Junior Counselor Program


We hosted 1600 children and families through our monthly programming and outreach




There are over 30,000 kids in foster care in Los Angeles County.

Let’s not let them walk this trail alone.




He believes he can make it to the top. We do too.




70% of our camp counselors are former foster youth.


 Some trails are happy ones,

Others are blue.

It's the way you ride the trail that counts,

Here's a happy one for you

Happy trails to you,

Until we meet again.

Happy trails to you,

Keep smiling until then.

- Roy Rogers
